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Unlocking Seamless Travel: How Emirates and BLADE Leverage GO7’s W2 Solution

Peer Winter, GO7’s Chief Distribution Officer, is back and answers key questions about how Blade and Emirates are using our W2 solution.

Connecting Emirates with BLADE Flights

How is it possible for Emirates to connect with BLADE flights?

Peer Winter: It’s very easy via a Special Prorate Agreement (SPA) between Emirates and W2’s global ticketing platform offered by GO7. This enables Emirates to connect to BLADE segments and offer through-fares directly from Dubai to Monaco via Nice. This setup simplifies the journey for passengers and travel agencies, eliminating the need to issue two separate tickets.

Unlocking New Opportunities for Emirates

What advantages does this partnership offer Emirates?

Peer Winter: This partnership significantly expands Emirates’ network by adding more destinations, reinforcing its commitment to exceptional service. It provides passengers with greater convenience, more travel options, and a more seamless travel experience, simplifying connecting flights. 

Streamlining Processes for Travel Agents

How does this partnership benefit travel agents?

Peer Winter: For travel agents, this partnership is a game-changer. Thanks to the throughfares filed by Emirates, they can now issue a single ticket for the entire journey. This eliminates the complexity of managing multiple tickets and ensures a smoother booking process, ultimately benefiting the agents and their clients.

Enhancing Passenger Experience through Global Connectivity

Q: What specific benefits do passengers gain from this integration?

Peer Winter: Passengers benefit immensely from this integration. The ability to check baggage to the final destination means they no longer need to collect and recheck bags at the intermediate point. This seamless transition enhances the travel experience, making it more convenient and less stressful. The partnership ensures that passengers enjoy a smooth, hassle-free journey from start to finish, reinforcing the value of global connectivity and top-tier service.

To sum up

Emirates and BLADE’s partnership, enabled by GO7’s W2 solution, represents a significant advancement in travel convenience and efficiency. By simplifying connections and enhancing the travel experience for passengers and travel agents alike, this collaboration exemplifies the future of seamless global travel, bringing the world closer together, one journey at a time.