How LIFT Leveraged Technology to Reimagine the Airline Passenger Experience and Drive Loyalty

The South African airline LIFT first took to the skies in December 2020. While launching at the height of a global health crisis was a challenge, LIFT also saw an opportunity: to change the outdated supply-driven and high-debt airline model into a more agile and flexible demand-driven one. In an industry that has become overly rule-bound and rigid, customers need to be placed back at the center of all decisions.
Inventory management, sales reporting software, and operations-based technology are all essential for an airline’s operations. But superior customer experiences inspire loyalty, which every airline needs to thrive. With AeroCRS by GO7 technology, LIFT wanted to create a unique customer loyalty program.
The LIFT Wallet creates another level of loyalty, allowing customers to personalize their experience and manage everything around their flight through their wallet. Refunds go directly to the customer’s LIFT Wallet (rather than to the credit card or payment method originally used for purchase), and passengers can use the credits to book their next flight or add extras. Customers are also rewarded with points if they book a specific fare brand.
“From implementation to training and development of new
Jonathan Ayache, LIFT Airline’s CEO
features, it has been an absolute pleasure working with
the AeroCRS by GO7 team to bring our vision for LIFT to life. It’s
felt like we have another department within our existing
team rather than a separate business supporting us.”
Read more about our partnership here.